Nubeean Noosa

Raw Noosa Hinterland Honey


Bottled straight from our hives in the Noosa Hinterland. Raw, unfiltered, unheated, containing all the goodness nature intended. 


We currently have hives in Cootharaba & Pomona. Although each honey harvest can be very different depending on time of year & what is flowering, below is a general guide to what you can expect from each type.

Cootharaba Honey: Predominantly nectar from our wonderful native trees. A slightly darker honey with a generally thicker consistency. 

Pomona Honey: A real mix of native & citrus trees with a hint of sweeter garden flowers. A lighter colour & a slightly thinner consistency than the Cootharaba honey.

Of course, both taste divine & still contain all of the goodness a honey should! 

NOTE: Pure honey naturally crystalises. Warm to soften, cool to harden.

*Due to strict border rules we cannot ship honey to Western Australia

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